This is the full version of my Avatar. He has an enchanted sword named Cheese Glaver, it glows yellow orange when he is near cheese,(subtle variations of orange depending on what kind of cheese) His swords unique ability resulted from a mix up with the Wizzard who was doing the enchanting. The Wizzard told sir Loin of Beef to focus on a knightly virtue, but Sir loin had to skip breakfast to get to the Wizzards Tower, so he was very hungry at the time of the enchanting and all he could think of was his favorite cheese. Alas, Cheese Glaver was created.........
Heh heh heh. Awesome. Thanks. Love the color and design.
Hoooraay! Thanks for posting a bunch more! Keep em coming! These are all fantastic.
This is terrific! Love the attitude in the pose. Can't wait to see more.
Very nice, Todd. Reminds me of Dirk Daring (?) from that cheesey old arcade game, Dragonwhatsit with the animated sequences.
Top stuff!
S U P E R B !!!!!!! :)
This blog is magical. I'll have many desktop wallpapers out of this.
this is so good..
Sirloin, er, Sir Loin is awesome Todd. Beautifully rendered, colored, and all! ...and his legend is hysterical. Cheese Glaver-- HA! I laugh in his general direction.
thanks for the comment todd! Awesome character! Very awesome style, great pose!
wow this looks great. I love the color work on your art.
fantastic...one can really feel the weight of the body here
Hey this is my first time visiting this blog.. glad I did.. fantastic art! Love the mood and colours.. atmosphere... like it all! Cheers.
wow magnificent art work! i love your characters and strange animals...thanks a lot for your veeery kind message on my blog! i'm very proud!!^^ fantastical blog by the way! i'll come back too! cheers!
Sir Loin is sure a swell character.
great character and backstory, awesome work everywhere?
sweet blog. i'm loving your style. great stuff.
you are the master of the colour Todd , this pic is great my friend!
Sirloin of beef. genuis!
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