Wednesday, October 25, 2006

I need a name...

This is my little girls favorite piece of art and she made me post it. --She is writing a little story about this timid little monster. If any of you can help us think of a cool name for it we would love your input!


S.D. said...

Just awesome monster! Can't help you finding (find?) a name, I've ever be bad at this... But it's a very attractive monster you've here! Well done!

FES said...

Love him... how about Slurp (he looks like he would)?! ;o)

Lindsay said...

I like what fes said... how about Slurp the Sclawth

Mark Behm said...

He's GREAT! Aw. So sad, too. What's the story? Why is he listlessly licking the tree? I'd love to see a children's book filled w this guy's story.

SEILER said...


Just checked out your stuff for the first time, HOLY COW man, cool work! I love everything, really, really cool work!

Ryan Wood said...

He looks like a Rufus to me. Really nice painting, bro.

Marco Bucci said...

Can you say "DESKTOP WALLPAPER"? This is unreal! It just makes me want to know the rest of the story. If you ever make a children's book, you got a customer right here!

Unknown said...

Looks like a Brutakis to me (Broo-ta-kiss), or some variation.

He's awesome! He looks like he'd have a voice similar to Ludo on the Labrynth (but not so cheesy). Go Todd go!

Bartek said...

damn crazy paintings man!

How about "Licky McTongue"?
Or "Spitty" or "Tastebud McGee" or "Slimy Treesworth"


Jo Bling said...

"Sloth" for mine, every day of the week. It may have been the name of a character in the Goonies but it suits this fella perfectly. Lovely pic!

Unknown said...

Hi, Todd. I like this work.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Your work mix humor with great draws. See ya.

Alex Senna

Scott Wright said...

This is just awesome! have a great blog...can't wait to see more.

Thanks for the comments on my comic.

See you soon.

Marco Bucci said...

Sorry, Todd - I have to post again on this. This painting reminds me why I love illustration in the first place. Every time I look at it, I can't seem to click away. It just engages me and makes me want to know more about this place (that's a pretty powerful thing!). Yesterday I even caught myself trying to figure out why the monster is licking the tree (I quickly deduced it was a nervous habit he's had since childhood, and/or his immediate, timid reaction to girl monsters). Still don't know his name, but I'm no good with naming :)

Tyler Stott said...

ill have to agree wid your daughter....its one a my favs up here too!!

nice stuff todd

Unknown said...

looks greattt!!


hi todd! awesome character /creature designs! totally love this character... how about Uga Bugga? =) your daughter has such a creative imagination for writing something on this piece!

Xelu said...

GREAT job¡¡¡¡ awesome blog

Unknown said...

Holy Heck! I'm really lovin' the "translucency" of the skin-tones! Great job.

Dan Elder said...

Thanks very much for the kind words. However I do think your blog is VERY amazing. I wish that I could digital paint like that. you definatly have my respect

D. EVANS said...

Hey thanks for stopping by my blog. Looks like he could be related to the polar bear. Been checking out your blog since the flying pig. Thoroughly enjoy!

Depa said...

thamks for the post n my blog...yor works are really really wonderful...great,

C.Deboda said...

Hey thanks for the vist too! Very impressive blog you have here as well. I'll be visiting again soon.

Andrew Glazebrook said...

Fabulous piccy !! He looks like he'd be called a Spudwump to me !

Oscar Herrero said...

Very beautiful stuff here! Thanks for your comment on my blog. I never thought too much about what kind of people could get into it. I didn't have any expectatives. Frankly, I thought even my friends would be too lazy to visit it frequently. So I wrote it in Spanish, but I'm starting to think about making a version in english. Luckily drawings are universal lenguage!
If you ask me, the creature is called Funpo Sleezers.

Toni Reyna said...

wow, this blog is really awesome, characters are all very interesting .Waiting for more...

German Torres said...

you have a lot of interesting and awesome work here, i put your link in my blog for wait more ilustrations.

clica no play said...

:) fantastic blog

Erik Jones said...

the colors are blowing my face, great mood

Anders said...

Great monster here and stunning color work!!!
All of you avalanche guys are doing killer works!!
it must be a great experience to work all together, a big emulation every day...
I would also like to thank you for visiting my modest blog... and thanks for the kind words!! truly encouraging!
I've been so impressed by your skills that I've linked you up immediatly!! hope you don't mind!!!
thanks again and BRAVO!!!!

To me, your monster looks like a "Gedeon"

Ray Villalba said...

Todd your work is amazing. I will definately keep coming back. Once again killer work man!

LDahl said...

Glump keeps coming to mind...
but I have an odd mind:)))

LDahl said...
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Patrick McMicheal said...

WOAH...This is glad I found your blog- having a tough time finding good artists around here.
Your style has a Frazetta flavor to it! Great work!

Jason Newkirk said...

love the colors, design, everything...lovely!

bazooka radio said...

I'd go for "Mr. Grimples" or jsut "Grimples" would also be good.

Perhaps "Stig."

Anonymous said...

You have great work here! I am in awe of your technique and imagination. The textures and lighting is great (I don't know why but I kept staring at those leaves hit by the sun). This guy immediately said "Smrgl" to me.

resurepus said...

Hi, Todd,
I just wanted to let you know that this cute monster has been featured in the Daily Illustration sectionof Hope it'll help you find the best name for it! Great work!

toelesspobble said...

Wonderful pics. How about Myron for the little monster or Gilbert?

Todd Franklin said...

He, She or it probably has a name by now, but I'm calling it a Mollymop.

Anonymous said...

I'm with spudwump.
Keep up the good work.

Unknown said...

Wow, wow, wow and WOW!

Abz said...

nice! what program do you use?

Javier Delfino (javoc) said...

the name for the monster is thelonius is a big name for a big monster, your art is fantastic. my english is very poor im from argentina. ciao.

The Wrist said...

Gee I'm so in awe of your painting I can't even think of a name!

Jordan Lamarre-Wan said...

This should be in the Totoro forest project!!

Mattmit said...


Christ C said...

Erk. thats my suggestion

Z said...

When I first saw it, I thought:

Or Glumpy.

-Zach Culver

Geno Writes said...

Okay... I just discovered your blog yesterday.So, likely this guy's been named already, but When i look at him a very straightforward name pops to mind, "Schlump". Hope my belated comment finds you (and your daughter) well (and amused).