Monday, November 22, 2010


I leave a lot of stuff unfinished...

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Unknown said...

glad to see you back on the blogs Todd! We missed ya!

The Art of Kim Kincaid said...

Awesome sketch.

Unknown said...

Nice sketch. I really like the detail of the armor around the obliques.

SEILER said...

Beautiful work Todd . . . dang!

Hawk Richards said...

omg plz more of these pencil scetchs. this is awesome

Marco Bucci said...

Wow, Todd's back. Awesome!!

Unknown said...

love the design elements in the costume

Dave McClellan said...

Man, no one told me that you had started posting stuff again. Suddenly balance has been restored to the art blog universe.

Jose Ramos said...

Hey , It´s nice , but as you said , It´s unfinished , Please , give to him a bit of light!..
.By the way , what did he say? , it´s erased.

see u!