Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Wind Rider

One nice thing about taking a ridiculously long break from blogging is that I have tons of new material. I'm going to try to be better at posting it.


Aaron Wilkin said...


Dillon Thompson said...

TODD!!! You posted new stuff!! @_@

sarah said...

Super lovely. Great mix of rough and finished. I can't wait to see all the new stuff.

Geoff Shupe - Concept Artist said...


you're the man

Unknown said...

Glad to see you back around Todd. Loving the new work. keep em coming, homie.

Sam Nielson said...

Awesome. Don't stop!

Anonymous said...

Wow! The lighting is amazing...

Anonymous said...

Hi Todd!
Hey, how about some new videos on You Tube? I just saw the one where you paint a nose digitally. I love that!!! Any more?

Ovadia Benishu said...

im dreaming? Todd's got new stuff here? somebody plz punch me in the face! hehe

Malgorzata Arska said...

so great !

DanL said...

I've checked your blog lots during your break. Glad you're back. Can't wait to see all the new stuff. Thanks for coming back.

Jose Ramos said...

Wow , it´s awesome , the girl over the animal is perfect.
.I would like to see more of your stuff.

Thanks for to share